Brian Papay Joins Anglepoint as EVP and COO

Brian Papay Joins Anglepoint as Executive Vice President (EVP) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) As EVP and COO, Papay will be responsible for leading the company’s worldwide operations and delivery, as well as leading key client relationships. “Brian has...

Oracle’s Black Hole: License Inventory

What You Need To Know About Oracle License Inventory It never fails. Someone reaches out for help. I ask them to send me their Oracle license inventory for a quick review. They send me a list of their support contract renewals with Oracle. If you read this and are...

Contract is King

Repeat After Me, “Contract is King” Imagine yourself at one of those seminars with a very charismatic speaker asking the audience to say “Contract is King”. Now I want you to imagine yourself as one of those individuals in the audience and to repeat this out loud at...

Oracle Software Syndrome

Ask any Oracle customer and they’ll tell you: “Oracle’s licensing model is too complex.”. In fact, even today when I speak with customers, they describe their experiences with feelings of angst and frustration due to the level of confusion surrounding the proper...


If you are a Microsoft customer, chances are high that you have been offered a funded Software Asset Management (SAM) baseline. A “baseline” is a snapshot in time of your current license entitlements compared to your current software deployments, which is typically...